The cabinets will come with pre drilled holes for pressing studs into. Simply push the studs into place in the desired position and rest the shelves on top.
The sink cupboard shelf may need cutting to accommodate the pipework under the sink.
Most doors will be able to be positioned in either direction. The design of the kitchen will dictate whether left or right opening doors are easiest and which looks best. Once the decision has been made following this process for fitting the doors into place:
- Hold the door up to the cabinet to work out which pre drilled screw holes are for the hinge plates.
- Screw the hinge plate to the cupboard and the hinges to the door. (some may come supplied with the hinges attached)
- Attach the door. It will either clip into place or need to be screwed.
- Fit all doors before making necessary adjustments to align them.
- The screws on the hinge are used to adjust the cupboard either up or down or in and out.
- Continue to adjust all doors until each is even and flush with the cabinets and with each other.
- Check each door opens and closes with ease and does not rub on the door next to it.
Handles can make or break a kitchen. Choosing the right handles both for your design and for the type of cupboards can be a difficult choice. But luckily they are easily changed to update your look at a later time.
The easiest way of fitting handles to each door in exactly the same position is to make a template.
- Use one door as an example and lightly mark the position of the handle on the back side of the door. Place the template against the corner and mark the position of the screws.
- Make a template for the left and right, if you are having doors in different positions depending on the opening of the door.
- Holding the template in place mark the position of the drill holes on the inside of the door.
- Drill first from the inside of the door holding a piece of wood over the outside of the door and then enlarge the hole from the front. This should prevent any chipping of the front face of the cupboard.
- Screw the handle into place.
- Drawer handles should be fitted in the same way.
A plinth is the piece of trim which runs along the bottom edge of the cabinets in order to hide the feet and to give the kitchen clean lines.
- Cut the plinth to size ensuring that there are no joins except for in the corners. It is possible to cut the length of plinth horizontally should it not fit under the cabinets, but careful measuring when fitting the cabinets should prevent this.
- Mark the position of each cabinet leg onto the plinth on the underside.
- Fit the plastic clips provided to the plinth in the position of the legs. They are usually screwed into place.
- The clips can be slid along the length of the plinth to ensure they meet up with the legs correctly.
- Push the plinth against the legs and it will click into place.
- Clips are sometimes supplied for fitting the plinths to each other in the corners.
- Iron on edging strips are usually supplied for any cut edges.