Plip battery refers to the battery in a car’s key fob or remote. “Plip” is often used to describe the sound or action of the key fob when it locks or unlocks the car. If the “plip battery” is running out or has run out, it means the battery in the car’s key fob or remote needs to be replaced because it’s low on power or has no power left.
When this happens, the remote may not work consistently or at all, preventing you from using remote functions like unlocking and locking the car, opening the trunk, or even starting the car if it has a keyless ignition system. Replacement of the battery is usually a simple process, but the specific steps can vary depending on the make and model of the car.
The CR1220 is a common size of battery used in some car key fobs. This is a type of lithium button cell, or “coin”, battery due to its small, circular shape. It is 12mm in diameter and 2.0mm thick.
Whether a CR1220 is the right battery for a specific key fob will depend on the design of the fob. While many fobs use the CR2032 battery, it’s possible that some might use the slightly smaller CR1220. If you’re unsure about what battery to use, it’s best to check the owner’s manual for your vehicle, the documentation for the key fob, or even the markings on the battery currently in the device. You should always make sure to use the correct type of battery to avoid damaging the device.
If your key fob’s battery dies, you may not be able to unlock your car remotely, which can be particularly inconvenient. However, most vehicles have a backup system to prevent you from getting locked out.
Here are some common scenarios:
- Physical Key: Many key fobs, even those that are primarily designed to be used wirelessly, also have a physical key built into them. This key can often be revealed by sliding or pulling a part of the fob, and can be used to manually unlock the driver’s side door.
- Keyless Entry Keypad: Some cars, particularly certain models of Ford vehicles, have a keypad on the driver’s side door where a numeric code can be entered to unlock the car.
- Roadside Assistance or Locksmith: If you’re completely locked out of your car and cannot get in, calling roadside assistance or a locksmith can be a solution. They have tools that can safely unlock a car door in most cases.
Remember, you should replace the battery in your key fob as soon as you notice that it’s not working as effectively as usual. This is typically a simple task that you can do on your own with a new battery and a small screwdriver.
Finally, it’s always a good idea to keep a spare key fob or a spare key somewhere safe, like at home, so that you have a backup in case your main key fob stops working or gets lost.
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